I know it and that's exactly what I said below.
... but a file productdetails/default.php in this template has much different construction.
Normally I would remove some part of the code but
it is not clear and easy for me with this file.
I thought I should remove below code:
- Code: Select all
// Show child categories
if ( VmConfig::get('showCategory',1) ) {
if ($this->category->haschildren) {
$iCol = 1;
$iCategory = 1;
$categories_per_row = VmConfig::get ( 'categories_per_row', 3 );
$category_cellwidth = ' width'.floor ( 100 / $categories_per_row );
$verticalseparator = " vertical-separator"; ?>
<div class="category-view">
<?php // Start the Output
foreach ( $this->category->children as $category ) {
// Show the horizontal seperator
if ($iCol == 1 && $iCategory > $categories_per_row) { ?>
<div class="horizontal-separator"></div>
<?php }
// this is an indicator wether a row needs to be opened or not
if ($iCol == 1) { ?>
<div class="row">
<?php }
// Show the vertical seperator
if ($iCategory == $categories_per_row or $iCategory % $categories_per_row == 0) {
$show_vertical_separator = ' ';
} else {
$show_vertical_separator = $verticalseparator;
// Category Link
$caturl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=' . $category->virtuemart_category_id, FALSE);
// Show Category ?>
<div class="category floatleft<?php echo $category_cellwidth . $show_vertical_separator ?>">
<div class="spacer">
<h3 class="catProductTitle"> <a href="<?php echo $caturl ?>" title="<?php echo $category->category_name ?>"> <?php echo $category->category_name ?> <br />
<?php // if ($category->ids) {
echo $category->images[0]->displayMediaThumb("",false);
//} ?>
</a> </h3>
$iCategory ++;
// Do we need to close the current row now?
if ($iCol == $categories_per_row) { ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
$iCol = 1;
} else {
$iCol ++;
// Do we need a final closing row tag?
if ($iCol != 1) { ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php }
if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['onbot'])) {
echo $this->loadTemplate('customfields');
} // Product Custom ontop end
but as you can see
it removes too much and of course the page is not loaded then.
Also, I am using "ontop" position to display my child products with "catproduct" plugin.