I am in trouble with the thumbnails of the product images into VirtueMart.
The thumbnails have to be always in the same size and when clicks and the lightbox appears display the original image size. But I don't know if there is a way to set the thumbnails always at the same size?
In config option (virtuemart), with the thumbnails redimension option activated, and giving a width and height for the size, it doesn't work for me, see http://tiendanueva.negre.es/iluminacion ... etail.html the thumbnails are one bigger than the other smaller although they should be at the same size? ...
I've found in the .additional-images img class (line 50 vm.css) with:50px;
Should I set an height, in example 50px for the thumbnail there to keep aspect ratio?
How can we solve this?
Any help is appreciated!
Kind regards,