Hi there, I am trying to modify this template with virtuemart and I have not really used VM before. What I am trying to do is replicate the attached layouts. The first file is how I want to replicate the category listing, and the 2nd is the product layout.
I think I would be able to achieve this in K2 as I am more familiar with it and it is much easier to setup but this Storebox template is setup with shopping carts with VMart.
The category feed listing would need to have only a feature list and these headers and with no image but I do not know how to give/put this info only in the category feed and not in the product listing as the informations are somewhat different.
I try and turn off the display image and price in the category setup but it still displays it. The only way I can turn that off is if I go into the PHP file and delete the get info tags for those parts of the category feed.
So if I did do it this way, this would then leave me with trying to display the rest of the info I need in this to look like my attach images but not be displayed in the product page.
Would it be more simple to install K2 store instead or can I achieve this look in Vmart?