li bullets and adding a blog

WordPress theme dedicated to start-up websites with amazing CSS3 animated icons, price tables and parallax effect background.
GK User
Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:43 am
First off, I'd like to add a blog to this site:

However, I'm not sure how to do it. Usually I'd select a page that I'd want the blog on. However, with Simplicity, the default options always say "show recent posts", but the widgets cover it up.

So how do I add a blog to a page? I don't see a page template.

Second, I'd like to get rid of the sideways arrow on the li here:

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GK User
Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:40 am

You have to disable option "Widgets Display on Homepage" from Template Options -> Basic tab. Then on the mainbody area posts should be visible instead of widgets.

Regarding the arrows, add this code into css/override.css file:

Code: Select all
article .content .lcp_catlist li {
   background: none!important;
   padding-left: 0!important;
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GK User
Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:21 am
Sorry, to clarify, I mean I want the blog on another page (like Right now, I don't know how to make it so the blog is on the "blog" page.

Also, when I shrink the size down to mobile, the menu doesn't turn into the icon. Any ideas on why this is so?

Thanks Piotr!
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:03 pm
OK, so you should create a new page and choose Latest Posts as a template page.

Regarding the mobile menu, e.g. on this page: mobile menu is ok.
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