problems with getting the demo up and running

WordPress theme dedicated to start-up websites with amazing CSS3 animated icons, price tables and parallax effect background.
GK User
Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:04 pm
I have not been successful in getting the simplicity demo up and running. I'm looking for the site to come up. I am doing a manual config as I cannot reinstall wordpress.

I have gone to: ... iguration/
for my instructions.

I will say that when I used the advice from the page above, I looked at the simplicity settings for the General tab and on my installation I do not see fields that are shown in # 1 Advanced image from ... iguration/

On the Advanced tab, from top to bottom I see:

Advanced theme settings

Custom fields
Hidden Custom Post Fields
Custom Post Fields label mapping
Use Prefixfree script
Parse emoticons within text widgets
Parse shortcodes within text widgets
Value of variable $content_width
Excerpt length(in words)
Use the override.css file
Custom RSS feed URL
Cache manifest filename

On your graphic for the Advance theme settings there are:

Widget rules
Custom fields
Hidden Custom Post Fields
Google Analytics tracking ID
Use Prefixfree script
Parse emoticons within text widgets
Parse shortcodes within text widgets
Use reCAPTCHA on contact page
reCAPTCHA public key
reCAPTCHA private key
Use Thickbox
Value of variable $content_width
Excerpt length(in words)
Use the override.css file
Enable support for Open Search
Enable support for Open Graph

Here are things I have done:
Imported simplicity.xml
Imported Simplicity_config.json

I see the demo content is over on the site, it is just not displaying. I understand there is more to do, however, I've worked the config instructions from top to bottom and on the General tab - I'm not seeing the options to follow the advice in that sequence.

What are next steps to take?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:06 pm

You're right, it's because in the latest update we added some new features, and some moved to the new tab - Features, but if you imported Simplicity_config.json file you have all options setted up, so don't worry.

Could you provide an URL to your website? (here or via PM) , next step for you is probably setting the widgets: ... iguration/
(widget settings)
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