Hi there, (again!)
I would like to make a image list of my social icons. I've made a list and styled on css.
But when I go mobile, the image does not follow the responsive design.
Is there a class that I could use to user my own images?
Cyberek wrote:Which css file have You used to store new css classes?
Could You post an url to your site?
#social_icons { width: 700px; margin:0px auto; text-align: center; padding:15px; list-style: none;}
#social_icons li {float:left; }
estevaosoares wrote:Cyberek wrote:Which css file have You used to store new css classes?
Could You post an url to your site?
site: http://estrategi.ca
I used the override.css
with this code
- Code: Select all
#social_icons { width: 700px; margin:0px auto; text-align: center; padding:15px; list-style: none;}
#social_icons li {float:left; }
Cyberek wrote:Oh, that is why I dont see any alement with id social_icons .
Could You switch it right now?
#gk-bottom1 {text-align: center !important;}
#social_icons li {
list-style-type: none;