It won't be so easy. In this case you will have to change the code in file gavern/helpers/helpers.layout.php for function gk_is_image_class:
- Code: Select all
if(isset($styles[$id]) && isset($styles_css[$id]) && (stripos($styles_css[$id], 'imageBg') !== FALSE || stripos($styles[$id], 'imageBg') !== FALSE)) {
// return TRUE, because at lease one widget exists in the specific sidebar and have class imageBg
$sidebar_flag = true;
- Code: Select all
if(isset($styles[$id]) && isset($styles_css[$id]) && (stripos($styles_css[$id], 'imageBg') !== FALSE || stripos($styles[$id], 'imageBg') !== FALSE)) {
// return TRUE, because at lease one widget exists in the specific sidebar and have class imageBg
$sidebar_flag = $styles[$id];
then in file: gavern/hooks.php you have to change function gavernwp_body_attributes_hook:
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// generate the standard body class
if(!gk_is_image_class('header')) {
} else {
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// generate the standard body class
$body_classname = gk_is_image_class('header');
if($body_classname === FALSE) {
} else {
That will create your base to use multiple images in the header. Now you have to create few text widgets with CSS classes like:
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imageBg imageBg1
the imageBg will be used to detect the CSS classes and avoid additional changes in the scripts, the second class (imageBg1) will be used to specify the image.
The last step is creating the CSS code for the new backgrounds in the header using the following code in the template.css file:
- Code: Select all
.imageBg1 #gk-head {
background: #000 url('../images/header1.jpg') no-repeat center 0;
background-attachment: fixed;
border-bottom: none;
margin-bottom: 0;
it will override the code for .imageBg class:
- Code: Select all
.imageBg #gk-head {
background: #000 url('../images/header.jpg') no-repeat center 0;
background-attachment: fixed;
border-bottom: none;
margin-bottom: 0;
Please remember that you should create the header image in few sizes and load the smaller images in the tablet.css and mobile.css files as the theme loads images for the imageBg class.