Replicating Demo

WordPress theme dedicated to start-up websites with amazing CSS3 animated icons, price tables and parallax effect background.
GK User
Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:45 pm
First off, great theme - clean design and code.

I'm having a hard time replicating the demo version of the landing page. I don't see any widgets, options, etc that look similar to what's visible on the demo.

Things I need:

    a large header image
    the sign up box
    a play video option
    everything below the header, the parallax-like image pop outs and buttons, etc
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:32 pm

Did you tried to install the quickstart package? More details: ... tallation/
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GK User
Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:19 am
I also had a tough time replicating the demo.

So, as suggested, I downloaded and installed the quickstart locally using MAMP to see where all the widget settings are for that frontpage and more.

>>Here's a great video tutorial to setup MAMP and how to install wordpress OR the quickstart stack from gavick on your local machine:

Installing WordPress Locally Using MAMP on Mac
>>Video Tutorial:


That way you can work your way backwards with all the settings!
Hope that helps.

neiljkrishnan wrote:First off, great theme - clean design and code.

I'm having a hard time replicating the demo version of the landing page. I don't see any widgets, options, etc that look similar to what's visible on the demo.

Things I need:

    a large header image
    the sign up box
    a play video option
    everything below the header, the parallax-like image pop outs and buttons, etc
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Fresh Boarder
