User module

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GK User
Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:52 pm
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I am trying to find how to turn on the user module which sits in the top right of the screen.

Also I would like to put a username and password box at the top of the front page but i can't find the correct HTML

Finally, if I want the user's name to be referenced in an article, I guess I would need to know what the correct database assignments are

Any help on the above three would be greatly appreciated
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Junior Boarder

Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:48 pm
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I do not know what user module You have in mind. This template does not have such module position. Here is a map of all available places to use for modules: ... -positions

As said in last sentence there is no module position for that, but here is an instruction how to create a new module position: ... e-position

If You want to change the user who has created an articlu that You can do it in this article settings.
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