Hi guys,
I have a problem with the animation of the menu, sliding notebook and sliding tablet, it´s way too fast. I have installed the template (3.0 version) and not done anything else and there are issues with the animation of the template. When I browse the site/template the animation of a) the menu, b) the sliding notebook, c) the sliding tablet is not working as it should and it´s not working in the same way as it works on the Gavick demo site and also on other developers which has used this template´s site. The animation of the menu is working but looks a bit strange when shifting from mode 1 to mode 2. The animation of the sliding notebook and sliding tablet are to fast so whenever I scroll down on the page the notebook/tablet is sliding forward before I have even gotten down the page so it´s almost like it´s already "out" when I come to that section. If I compare the sliding function of my template compared to the demo site etc. it´s a big difference. On the demo site etc. the sliding function slides the image out when I have gotten a bit in/down on the section in question, creating the cool effect (i.e. it works as it should).
PS: I have gone over all setting of the template but can´t find a setting for this and I have also played around with the menu animation setting but when changing the ms, nothing happens. I have also looked at the css file and compared my css file with css files from "working" developers sites and there is no difference (none that I can see at least. The file I mainly looked at was the "templates/gk_simplicity/css/gk.stuff.css" file)
My site URL is: <removed>
Please advice on this, how I can fix it?
Thanks in advance, regards Henrik