I made new text inside the html-module that is published in the mainbody position on the homepage.
I think all went well.
I am still working on the site content and a few days ago I saw that the text in that module is not spread across all the space that is there.
Tis is the url: http://qombo.nl/
So I checked with Firebug and found that the #gkContentWrap css is now width: 72%.
In the demo site that value is 100%.
I cannot find that css statement anywhere inside the list of css files.
So my question is: in which css-file can I find this statement?
Normally I would find that easy with Firebug, but I only get a number as source: #20 (line 106). No idea what that means.
I know I can change it in the override css file, but would like to know how and why it is changed in the first place. So that is my 2e question: how did it change in the first place?
Is it perhaps the result of a template update? I am using version 3.9
Thank you.
Best regards,