With this template, there is a Typography button adjacent the other buttons when creating a new article (i.e. article, image, toggle editor) below the editor field.
On other Gavick templates(i.e. PenguinMail), when hitting this, it comes up to some great 'ready to go' codes for implementing into the article.
When I hit this in Simplicity, it comes up with the following error:
Parse error in selected filed. Please check file structure.
Do you have any info that can incorporate tables, quoted, block quotes, icons, etc.
I see the Typography menu from the main menu seems quite bare (only price and front page elements info)
I was wanting to put some bold quote in italics in the homepage. A bit like what you have on the Gavick frontpage:
"Thank you for the great customer service! I appreciated that you had someone to help me, even though it was 2:45 a.m. where I am".
Would like to have the big inverted commas as well.
Can somehow I install the typography from another gavick template, or is there a way of finding it on this template.