How to use "popular", "featured" widgets

February 2013 WordPress Theme
GK User
Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:30 pm

I'm using Magazine theme in a WP 3.6.1, but I don't understand how to use "most popular" and "what's hot" widgets with GK News Show, wich includes this theme.

I've installed quickstart version:

- Most popular is showing "latest post" with offset 0. Not most hitted posts or most rated or something similar.
- What's hot is showing "latest post" with offset 5. So if i put offset to 0 they show the same.

Is this correct?

I'd like to show most visited post on "Most popular". Can I use some widget to do it?

Thanks in advance.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:22 pm
To be honest, those are just "buzz" words to name the elements. WP don't have any build in mechanism for counting posts/pages visits, so there is no way to sort elements by visit count.
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