1. Please can you explain why your module shows wrong forecast?
Our website (at bottom): http://www.valturist.hr/
Today: 12th - 18 C - Partly cloudy
Tomorrow: 13th - 19 C - Sunny
Day after tomorrow: 14th - 19 C - Sunny
Yahoo website:
https://www.yahoo.com/news/weather/croa ... eka-850030
Today: 12th - 17 C - Partly cloudy
Tomorrow: 13th - 18 C - Cloudy
Day after tomorrow: 14th - 16 C - Rain
2. Dates in next 2 days in forecast are wrong.
Today is 12th and it shows 11th and 12th for next two days.
Shouldn't it show 13th and 14th as next 2 days?
I've found this thread about similar issue: https://www.gavick.com/forums/gk-weathe ... -out-34750 but it still doesn't make sense to me.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Regards
Joomla 3.5.1
mod_weather_gk4 - 1.7.2 - 29/03/2016 (reinstalled today with latest version from your website)