I have typed Your location into my site and got warning message. It is nothing serious but has moved the weather module visible area under the bottom module so it was not visible. Please go to the file modules/mod_gk_weather/helper.php and in line 134:
- Code: Select all
if(filesize(realpath('cache/mod_gk_weather.xml')) == 0 || ((filemtime(realpath('cache/mod_gk_weather.xml')) + $this->config['cacheTime'] * 60) < time()))
put "@" sign before the filesize function so it will look
- Code: Select all
if(@filesize(realpath('cache/mod_gk_weather.xml')) == 0 || ((filemtime(realpath('cache/mod_gk_weather.xml')) + $this->config['cacheTime'] * 60) < time()))
It made the module visible on my site. I'have used this settings: