On my mobile version for my customers the icon table_menu give my page (http://www.rainet.fr) and not the mobile menu to my customers : http://www.antares.fr Where i can change this link ? Thanks
Look at the left bar on this site : http://www.antares.fr On top left, this is the emplacment for icone tablet_menu With an imac for exmaple, when you past your mouth you see rainet.fr (http://www.rainet.fr) When i control my mobil version antares.fr the icone exist but when i clic on for access menu , it's rainet.fr open new page.. Do you right me ?
I'm having troubles to understand, but I think I see that selecting menu option redirects to a different website. Please in template settings look for copyrights and make sure there is a closing tag "</a>" instead of "</p>".