Joomla! 3.2.0 Stable Released and can I update joomla or I must wait until Magazine Template will be updated to new Joomla 3.2.0 version?
Pawel F wrote:Hi.
Template should be working fine, I checked few minutes ago, but are you sure that all others modules and components are compatible. Make a full backup. Than update. If somethings goes wrong , you have backup.
Pawel F wrote:I talked with our developers today, and they said: Paul say all users that they should wait 1-2 days until we will finish updated version of all our templates. So please wait, to be sure.
I have read that few component developers suggest to upgrade their extensions before, not after "migration/update" to 3.2.
Pawel F wrote:I talked with our developers today, and they said: Paul say all users that they should wait 1-2 days until we will finish updated version of all our templates. So please wait, to be sure.
I have read that few component developers suggest to upgrade their extensions before, not after "migration/update" to 3.2.