How increase facebook like window height to show more details before confirm like
bkrztuk wrote:Could you show me your site URL ? It is probably overflow issue.
div.itemSocialSharing {overflow: visible}
bkrztuk wrote:Please add this code to override.css file in root/templates/gk_template_name/css directory :
- Code: Select all
div.itemSocialSharing {overflow: visible}
and then just remember to enable "Use override CSS" option in template advanced settings tab.
div.itemSocialSharing {overflow: visible}
div.itemSocialSharing { overflow: visible!important }
normanUK wrote:Add !important so it doesn't get overridden by other css
- Code: Select all
div.itemSocialSharing { overflow: visible!important }
.fb_iframe_widget_lift {
max-width: inherit!important;