First. Sorry for post. This should be somthing someone with my level of knowledge could do in seconds. Instead I have spent hours trying to get a simple 179x200ps png file to disply as the logo.
I would be happy to set the image using logotype=Image in the features section of the template manage style editor. This is actulally the closest method I have got to working. The only problems are that (1) The colours aren't dispalyed correctly (2) The column it sits above is not pushed down. (3) I would like to move it to the top and to the left.
I would also be happy to edit the css. I have already edited template.css and checked the options in style.css. I can correctly set the size of the logo, but it does not dispaly at all (I cannot see any reason why). All I am left with is a blank box.
Another option would be to change the heIght and width using the overide in the advanced section of the template manage style editor, but I can't seam to make that work either.
Then there would the the option of making a custom HTML module, except I can't choose the logo postion.
Please can you suggest a solution. Currently the logo is displayed as an "image". If I can just move it left and up and then make sure it does not overlap the colum and then fix the colours that would be fine (to chek the colour, right click and choose "view image").
Take a look: