Have compatibility issues with ZOO

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Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:18 pm
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I tried installing the free version of ZOO on the Magazine 3.0 quickstart and found there is some javascript errors on the console which prevents from entering the tags or selecting an author in the zoo front end submission.

When I switch the template to Beez3, everything works fine..So this would be definitely a compatibility issue.

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Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:46 pm
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Hi, it's hard to say what's wrong, but for sure Z00 uses they own libraries jquery.js so it could be a conflict.
Y00theme also do their own templates & they are our competitors. We are not able to support all the components for Joomla 3.0. I suggest to buy Z00 Standard membership which also includes Technical support.

...you can try to install plugin which fix JS conflict.
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Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:50 am
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pfrankowski wrote:Hi, it's hard to say what's wrong, but for sure Z00 uses they own libraries jquery.js so it could be a conflict.
Y00theme also do their own templates & they are our competitors. We are not able to support all the components for Joomla 3.0. I suggest to buy Z00 Standard membership which also includes Technical support.

...you can try to install plugin which fix JS conflict.

Thanks for the reply.I reinstalled the site using quickstart for joomla 3.0 and found K2 compatibility issue also.

When I try to edit the K2 item in the frontend, that also has some javascript errors.Attached is the image of how the editor buttons are messed up and the image upload screen is also messed up.

Here is the url.I will try to send the password for you to try through PM.

http://adftraining.com/home/k2-categori ... -of-tablet

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