we are using your theme Cloud as the default template, but we want to use the Magazine template as secondary theme. We are however having problems with the Magazine template sidebar menu layout. I wonder if that has to do with the fact that we have the Cloud theme at use as the default theme.
Here is what is happening:
1) The menu on the leftside appears when setting in template settings the Inset rule 12.5%.
2) Menu on the rightside is the actual menu we want to show on the sidebar. It seems to have the layout of the main-template (Cloud) not the layout of the magazine template.
We have do the settings as you have instructed in both Template settings and in the module itself.
NOte that in the menu there is the first ISPConf link is 1st level menuitem and the following 3 ISPConf menuitems are second level menuitems. So according to your demo http://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/magazine/ they second level menuitems should show in a separate box opening to the rightside of the menu, having blue background. Now all menuitems open as in the Cloud template.
Is there a contradiction in the templates since both templates are from you?