I am interested to see the site in the same way on your computer and on your tablet.
Now on the iPad is displayed differently
Cyberek wrote:Could you please post an url to your site?
Cyberek wrote:It disable loading of tablet and mobile css'es but with lowering screen size you still will make your site shrink (it will not scroll horizontally) - please show me your site so I'll check if that is the case and provide correct override.css to fix that behave.
bauhausitalia wrote:Cyberek wrote:It disable loading of tablet and mobile css'es but with lowering screen size you still will make your site shrink (it will not scroll horizontally) - please show me your site so I'll check if that is the case and provide correct override.css to fix that behave.
construction site I have to send the data to enter user and password as I do