This is the 3rd question in this forum.
when I activated (enable) the GK Menu Extended Parameters Plugin, I've got the error table:
Strict standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in C:\wamp\www\wangblagak\libraries\joomla\html\parameter.php on line 512
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0005 139032 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.0472 2013464 JAdministrator->initialise( ) ..\index.php:34
3 0.0512 2244272 JApplication->initialise( ) ..\application.php:81
4 0.0645 2498064 JPluginHelper::importPlugin( ) ..\application.php:229
5 0.0706 2794912 JPluginHelper::_import( ) ..\helper.php:125
6 0.0716 2806520 plgSystemPlg_GKExtMenu->__construct( ) ..\helper.php:194
7 0.0717 2807640 JLoader::load( ) ..\helper.php:0
this error appears when I turned on the display error setting in php setting.
1. Is it normal error?
2. Should I ignore it?
3. How to solve this?