Cyberek wrote:Please edit: /templates/gk_magazine/css/override.css and add at its end:
- Code: Select all
.gkMenu > ul > li > a {color: #f00;}
.gkMenu > ul > li > a:hover {color: #0f0;}
This way You could change color of links.
Remember to enable "CSS override" in template settings - advanced section.
As it goes to backgrouns - would You like to create custom background on hover (under one element), or somehow highlight menu block (background under all menu items)
I'm not sure I understand the last thing you comment ..
, with an example I would understand better (my english is not very good) It works ok, but if I select a background color, menu options "Inicio" and "Zona Candidatos" have the same background color and I like that they were separate the options "Formación" and "Zona empresas". I would also like, if possible, to separate "Inicio" and "Zona Candidatos" with a space as "Formación" and "Zona empresas".
Thank you so much,
Gustavo García.