I contacted my server guys and they said:
All the info is in that last email, the server hosts around 30 Wordpress websites and is used and optimised for Wordpress only, there are 4 Wordpress sites on the server with more traffic and pages which cause me no problems only your site, the errors are from the theme which I proved a few weeks ago by installing a standard Wordpress theme onto your site and had no problems with it while it was installed, I put your theme back on and the errors start right away.
The server recovers quite quickly to the minor errors but it is now causing speed problems for other sites where your theme is draining too much CPU and memory, as a example I was with a client last week updating her website when I could not load her admin panel at the same time I got a memory and load warning from the server indicating your site had caused the crash, I suspended your website and everything went back to normal, I completed her website updates and reinstated your site again. Don't really want to be doing that every time I need a bit of extra CPU and memory to complete a admin task.