have a photo with tittles

January 2013 WordPress Theme
GK User
Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:31 am
im using News wordpress theme, and i have installed it here in kurdish language http://www.nuche.net/malpar

that i need is to have article thumb/picture with evry title in front page
i have attached two photos, its how i will it will look like. can you please do it for me on my website ? or tell my how is to do it?

Image: http://postimg.org/image/b04tu73it/

2. after i changed the language of my wordpress. the first tool who show title, under a banner (black one) is away. i dont see any thing

thanks for supporting
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:53 am

Regarding your question:
1. I'm not sure what exactly do you want to achieve. Each marked elements from your screenshot are based on GK News Show Pro, you have to only configure it properly, following this documentation:
http://www.gavick.com/documentation/wor ... iguration/
(widget settings).

2. Did you specify properly source of the GK News Slideshow widget? Colud you send me a PM with backend access? then i'll be able to check it.
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GK User
Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:46 am
Thank you for replay.

i have now send you a logng informations.
with the first one. that i want is to have thumbnail with evry articles i have or i see on my front page. like a photo i have send you. i do not see photo/image of articles right know. without slideshow.
its right, all of them is GK News Show Pro, but i dont know hot to use it for getting thumbnail /image for all articles of front page.
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Fresh Boarder
