Author et the end of the post

January 2013 WordPress Theme
GK User
Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:03 am
I want the post sidebar informations at the end of the post, bur only the author and the tags. The idea is that haw thy are now, as a sidebar on the left are restringing the article and it is dificult to read, as our readers complained. So we canceled the post sidebar informations. I tried to put them at the begining, but the blanl bar is still there, despite the post sidebar informations are displaing under the title, at the begining of the article. So stil cancelled. There is a problem with the author also because it is not showing up even wjen the post info in activated.
I think this section should be moved by defaut in another place, or as an option in the theme administration.
Anyway, haow can I do it for our website.

Thank you!
Otherwise, great job!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:55 am

Please check News/gavern/helpers/helpers.layout.fragment.php file there are 2 funcitons responsible for this:
gk_post_meta funciton - at the top - displays date, written by.., and comments,
and gk_post_meta_sidebar responsibe for displayin sidebar (category, tags, author's avatar)

you can edit these functions (remove li elements) and then you can move
Code: Select all
<?php gk_post_meta_sidebar(); ?>
from content.php file to layouts/ (end of article).

Then you'll need css to display it inline and that's all.

Of course " post sidebar informations" from template options should be enabled.
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