I think you did everything ok
We added support for responsive tables (and standard css tables styling) If you had custom colors before, just remove this fragment from css/stuff.css file ( around line 708)
- Code: Select all
article section table tbody tr:nth-child(2n) {
background: #f5f5f5;
BTW if you want good looking tables on mobile devices, you have to use <thead> and <th> tags on tables headlines, see an example:
- Code: Select all
<th> Headline1 Lorem</th>
<th>Headline2 Ipsum</th>
<th>Pharetra Sem</th>
<th>Tortor Amet</th>
<td>Nulla vitae</td>
<td>elit libero</td>
<td>a pharetra augue</td>
<td>Aenean lacinia</td>
<td>bibendum nulla sed</td>
<td>Praesent commodo</td>
<td>cursus magna</td>
<td>vel scelerisque</td>
<td>nisl consectetur</td>
<td>et. Etiam porta sem.</td>
<td>malesuada magna mollis euismod</td>
<td>Nulla vitae</td>
<td>elit libero</td>
<td>a pharetra augue</td>
<td>Aenean lacinia</td>
<td>bibendum nulla sed</td>
<td>Praesent commodo</td>
<td>cursus magna</td>
<td>vel scelerisque</td>
<td>nisl consectetur</td>
<td>et. Etiam porta sem.</td>
<td>malesuada magna mollis euismod</td>