Template not responsive

GK User
Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:41 am

I an using the world news II template but on mobile, Ipad, Android, etc, It still shows the whole page like on desktop.

1. How can I make it switch to mobile view
2. How can I remove some modules from showing up on mobile devices. I tried the .nomobile .notablet suffix but
a. It removes the modules even on desktop.
b. After removing the modules, the empty module position does not collapse. It still shows the whole module position block

Please I need help urgently

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Senior Boarder

Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:49 am

1. Please in template configuration if responsive functionality was not disabled.
2. Please use a solution proposed in this post: https://www.gavick.com/forums/music/suf ... et#p105946
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