- Code: Select all
SQL=SELECT content.id AS ID, cats.name AS cat_name, cats.alias AS cat_alias, content.catid AS cat_id, users.name AS author, users.email AS author_email, users.id AS author_id, content_rating.rating_sum AS rating_sum, content_rating.rating_count AS rating_count FROM yehxd_k2_items AS content LEFT JOIN yehxd_k2_categories AS cats ON cats.id = content.catid LEFT JOIN yehxd_users AS users ON users.id = content.created_by LEFT JOIN yehxd_k2_rating AS content_rating ON content.id = content_rating.itemID WHERE ORDER BY content.created DESC
How can I solve this problem? there is some empty categories on k2 but we plan to add articles to those categories soon. Is the problem happening because of empty k2 categories???