TinyMCE - Config

GK User
Fri May 30, 2014 12:41 pm

I just found a problem which I just can't figure out how to solve...

I just took a clean install (quickstart) with the j3 version of this template, and one of the first thing i did, was to try to change the TinyMCE functionality from Standard to Extended. But - for some reason any changing i the configuration can not be saved. The Save and Save & Close button just don't work.

Then I checked on a another site, based on News 2 template (also with QuickStart install), there I could change the config as supposed..

I don't say that my problem is linked to the Boutique template/setup, but I have not seen this in any other places (Only used 2.5 versions of template earlier. News 2 and Boutique are the two first I ever have tested with J3)

Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Sat May 31, 2014 8:39 am

TinyMCE is a standard joomla editor, we have not change it in even the smallest part. Please update joomla and editor to the latest version, this has to be some issue with a proken or outdated file. If this will not work please send me an access to joomla panel. I'll installed plugins.
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GK User
Sat May 31, 2014 7:20 pm
Hi again.

Yes, I know that TinyMCE is a part - or more correctly - a standard included extenison to the Joomla system.
As I wrote, I did not mean to 'blame' the template, but this have never happend before..

Anyway, I cleared the cahche twice, without luck. Then i claened out all kind of temporary files all over the computer, and then a new clearing of the cache - and suddenly, all save and save & close worked again. Also in the main configuration of Joomla...

So you guys at Gawick may delete this tread since the problem did'nt have anything to do with the template.

Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:14 am

It could have something to to with a quickstart package and some cache being left there, but there would be a lot more of reports of such issue than, anyway that's all I can think of. Template is a separate extention so it could not affect that.
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