i renew my membership especially for the following problem. The service employees insured me that you will help me in this case.
My proplem concerns the switch to desktop on mobile devices. It will be work fine, if i dont rename the template/ template folder. There nothing happens with the click on the button "switch to desktop version" after changing the temaplte name.I try all posibilities.
At the first attempt i changed only the template.xml code.
At the second attempt i changed the code in the template.xml and the template language name.
At the last attempt i changed additionally the name in the the gk_scripts.js and head.php concerning the code for cookies.
No success. It works only with the template name gk_game_magazine. i can not understand why. There must be any file which prevented the functionality after changing the template name.
Maybe it is a caching problem. Please note that iam using the gk cache an gkextcache. The Plugins are already in the right order. I didn`t use the quickstart version.
Please help.