Is it possible to change the code so that the "Published in...(category)" text, found at the bottom right of a K2 item page, appears under the item title at the top of the page?
Not sure which css file to look in
andypepper wrote:That worked perfectly - many thanks for your speedy help.
I'd now like to remove the wording "PUBLISHED IN" and change the font size of the category name.
If you could let me know which file to edit that would be great. Many thanks - A
.itemHeader .itemTitle, .genericItemTitle, .catItemHeader .catItemTitle {
font-size: 32px;
.itemCategory span {
display: none;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Anyway by looking at demo please try code:
- Code: Select all
.itemHeader .itemTitle, .genericItemTitle, .catItemHeader .catItemTitle {
font-size: 32px;
.itemCategory span {
display: none;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Please show me Your site. I've probably chacked wrong element looking at the demo.
teitbite wrote:Hi
I got the access now, but it's keep asking me for password and site is not visible. Can You please lift this restriction for a while so I'll check the link and tell You the exact code ?
.itemCategory span { display: none; }
#k2Container .itemHeader .itemTitle {
font-size: 20px;
#k2Container .itemHeader .itemTitle {
font-size: 50px !important;