Related items and k2 article header text

GK User
Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:00 pm

Just a couple of last things i need to help with before my site is where i want it to be, any advice on how to do the below will be great:

my site: [ d e s i s p y . c o m ]

1) on the article page (all articles k2) the header text for the article title is in uppercase and a large font, i was wondering if you know how to lower the text size of the article title on the article page and also turn into normal case as typed rather than auto uppper case?

2) on the article pages at the bottom, the related items module position i want to change but cant find the module in the modules admin for this? where can i change the position of this module so it comes after the image gallery module which is currently below it?

Help on either is most appreciated!
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Senior Boarder

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:40 pm

pavsta wrote:1) on the article page (all articles k2) the header text for the article title is in uppercase and a large font, i was wondering if you know how to lower the text size of the article title on the article page and also turn into normal case as typed rather than auto uppper case?

To reduce k2 title size, you can use (e.g.) this line on ../css/override.css file:
Code: Select all
h3.catItemTitle {font-size: 24px!important;}

to change to lowercase or normal it's not possible with this font.
Headers are using BebasNeue Squirrel Kit font only available with uppercase.
Solution: Change to a different font that supports it.

pavsta wrote:2) on the article pages at the bottom, the related items module position i want to change but cant find the module in the modules admin for this? where can i change the position of this module so it comes after the image gallery module which is currently below it?

That's not a module available on module manager.
It's part of k2 articles layout, so it need a different approach ;)
I will send you the file in minutes.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:16 am
Hi again

Sorry about the delay.
I've been busy with the latest template.

Please download the attach file, decompress and replace ../gk_gamenews/html/com_k2/templates/default/item.php

Them add this line on ../gk_gamenews/css/k2.css

Code: Select all
.itemImageGallery {overflow: hidden; margin: 30px 0;}


Please remember this changes for future Gamenews template updates.

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