BebasNeue alternative font

GK User
Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:46 pm

As you can see here: , it looks like the default font does not support characters like ã á ç, Á, Ã, etc... (in articles title).

I wonder if you guys know any good alternative font in the same style that supports Portuguese characters...

I hope Seichinha wasn't the one who chose this one :silly:
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GK User
Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:41 pm
actually, I need to test some fonts, so when you visit the link I gave, it might not be the default font there. But you can trust my word, it doesn't work with our characters
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Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:07 pm
PT Lyon wrote:Hi.

As you can see here: , it looks like the default font does not support characters like ã á ç, Á, Ã, etc... (in articles title).

I wonder if you guys know any good alternative font in the same style that supports Portuguese characters...

I hope Seichinha wasn't the one who chose this one :silly:

I have the same problem has you, i've been using Titillium font from squirrel font, it seems to work well with the text,
But having hard time in finding the right one for headers
I am using for the headers: Yanone Kaffeesatz Font for now. but it seem that the letter ç
is the worst one.
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Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:59 am
My issue is in articles title only.

I found this google type font called owvald. Had to change the default font size, but now it's good, I think.

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