If you just want a single article with nothing else then follow below.
Make sure to backup your site before continuing below.
1. Change Home Menu item to single article.
Go to Home Menu item in backend and set menu type to Single Article then on your right choose your article.
2. Set Article display options.
Set your article options such as display author name, date, print button and so on , simply hide them if you dont want them to show.
3. Set mainbody to component only.
Go to Joomla admin > Extensions > Template Manager > gk_game_magazine - Default > Then on right under Basic Settings > "Main Body - FrontPage" choose Component only.
4. Check your frontpage
If you are happy stop now if not you need to start disabling all of those modules.
5. Disable all unneeded modules from homepage by either assigning them to all pages except home page or by disabling them.
See you around...