Hi Gavick and members,
I love your products. I just recently installed Game Magazine on a buddy's website www.humblevideos.com
On the main page below the main menu you will notice three tabs - Featured Game * Newest Game * Popular Game. I wanted to change the names of these tabs to be something along the lines of Featured Movie, Newest Movie and Newest Game. Its not really a css issue, as I am using firebug and can locate usually any css file from the template folder and make my edits to it. Rather its an html issue. I understand that Joomla websites are dynamic its hard to pinpoint the html file that needs changing.
I want to humbly ask, if someone can tell me which file i need to edit to change the tabs for Featured Game * Newest Game * Popular Game. And how did you find the file so I don't need to ask anymore. thanks you so much.