Images won't display in admin or front end

GK User
Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:04 pm
Other than the images in the demo articles I can't get any to display.

I have FTP'd images to specific directories as it won't let me use the upload feature.

I can get an image in an article if I go through the standard joomla article and insert an image, although it won't let me navigate through directories.

If I use K2, then it won't even insert an image even if its a demo image. I notice that all images and directories have padlocks on. I have checked folder settings and most are on CHMOD 755

When I manage to get an image in an article through standard joomla articles, I get a 404 message saying;

/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/front page.sportsevents.f1nsp_234.png was not found on this server.

Any help?
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:13 pm

It can be caused by numbers of reasons. Do You have GD library installed on server ? Does Your server settings allow adding images by scripts ? Try change the permissions to 777.

If any tip won;t work, please show me Your site.
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