News Show Pro GK5 Article Ordering

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GK User
Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:25 am
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I am using the News 2 Template for Joomla 3.x

I don't think I understand the Data Source options for News Show Pro GK5 Module, particularly as it relates to News Order; News Sort Order; and First news number. I am inputting news stories and a news story from 2012 is showing up on the home page in the Highlights - Right II module and I have several stories from 2014.

In addition to the specific categories selected, here are my Data Source specs:

News Order - By Date
News Sort Order - Descending
First News Number - 0

Where does the First News Number come from? What field is this?

Please advise.


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Junior Boarder

Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:26 am
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First news number is telling module how many articles from the top of ordering should not be displayed. So it you want to show latest articles set it to 0 than sort order set to date and select descending option. This way module will show the most recent articles.
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GK User
Sat May 16, 2015 4:42 am
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Hi - I think I found a bug in the NSP GK5 (v. 1.8.3):
Module mode: speaker's list; settings: 4 columns by n rows (it doesn't matter - it could be 1, 2, etc.)
Data source: K2 categories; News sort order (and that's the problem): set to Ascending (works OK if set to descending)
the problem appears in small tablet or vertical tablet view, where the expected outcome for 4 columns / 1 row collapses into 2 col/2 rows:
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
but it actually does this:
(1) (2)
__ (3)
(4) __
---> if you add another row of items, it will look like this:
(1) (2)
__ (3)
(4) __
(5) (6)
__ (7)
(8) __
---> so the behavior repeats in 3rd and 4th column in each row
* BTW, the " __" represents empty space (the editor removes the spaces so I forced the "look" with the "_")

Hope you can look into this - thanks,
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Sat May 16, 2015 5:25 am
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Actually - there seems to be more: there seems to be correlation between News Order and News sort order: the problem described above also occurs in a "Descending" setting when the following News order is set:
1) by publish up date
2) by publish down date
3) by modification date: this one is little different: only LAST TWO items are 'dislocated':
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(5) (6)
__ (7)
(8) __

4) by order: same as by modification date
5) by hits amount: this one is even weird(er):
(1) (2)
__ (3)
(4) __
(5) (6)
(8) (7)
6) by rating: same as by hits amount

by title, by random order, by user input appear OK - that is, the columns collapse 4 - 2 - 1 as intended.

=> tested on mac (10.10.3) in Chrome (42.0.2311.152 (64-bit)) and Safari (Version 8.0.6 (10600.6.3)) on iPad Air
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Junior Boarder

Tue May 19, 2015 8:25 pm
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I think I know what is wrong. Please tell me the url to the page where You are using this module and make sure it's showing it wrong. This looks to be a problem when news boxes doesn't have the same height and not a problem with module order itself.
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