hi all
can anyone know why in my joomla 3.2 in backend i do not have option to move position of modules ? i have this two arrows (up/down) but after i click on it there is nothing do.
in clear instalation when i want to change a place of module (for e.g. move up or down) i only click into the two arrow (up/down) and just grab and drag up or down....
Another thing - below is my printscreen and live demo printscr.
there a few diferences:
- descriptions
- and i cant sort up/down modules
This problem is only exist in MODULES - in plugins i can change, the same in articles and categories K2...
Only this MODULES do not working...
i`m wondering maybe there is a translate problem ? becouse inly in Modules i have this strange desctription - others (articles, categories, plugins...) have corrects descript.