not sure how to describe this error... I have thousands of items in my site. I have installed the gk_news_quickstart_J! package and changed ALL the modules to point from K2 to Joomla! items.
The frontpage is shown as expected. The different positions show the different Joomla! items. However, when I click on any link, the page take a long to load and finally, the frontpage is showed again, instead of the content of the article.
If I change the template to protostar, the Joomla! article is shown (obviously the frontpage is empty as the modules are assigned to the gk_news template), but the Joomla! articles are loaded really fast!.
To clarify the test
The URL :
- Code: Select all
shows the front page again using the template gk_news. The page take a time to load.
The URL :
- Code: Select all
shows the article with the corresponding ID = 30514 using the template protostar. The page load really fast.
The same happens if i disable Search Engine Friendly URLs from Global Configuration.
I have no idea how to proceed