Pawel F wrote:Hi,
about second problem try this fix:
- Code: Select all
#gkInnerInset {width:0;}
#gkMainbody > div { width: 99.9%;}
Remember to disable css compression and clean cache for a while.
can you tell me where i should to put this code - unfortunly my knolege is not so good as i want to
1st - you were talking about
zoom effect on image from first article (HomePage) ?
If yes - tip how to disable this CSS3 effect you will find ,as always, in our Wiki: ... ox-effect/
no, not in front end but inside article - 1st image which is displaying like main image. in my printscreen main imane is for eg from article about car crash.
but this is almost fix - i found some plugin in Joomla suport and everything beside 1 module is working fine.... i do not know why but Simple Image Gallery Module in front main site is not working corectly - i have 1 AD image with MAREK OWSIANY and when i click in home page on it this image is opening in new tab... but when i have openede any article and click on this image its opening ok - using jquery...
and now i do not know where could be problem... ?
I have small suggestion for you,
reduce some white background from logo area, because on small devices like tablets or Notebooks with 1024px screen it looks not professional. Only this top element.
great suggestion
thk you