so i saw this error again... and i I do not know what it depends on....
and next thing when i checking a propereties in right click on my site (with firebug) i see this 2 errors:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 1062 (Duplicate entry 'http://brzozowiana.pl/<script>var _prum = [['id', '536346deabe53' for key 'idx_link_old' SQL=INSERT INTO `dzaot_redirect_links` (`old_url`,`new_url`,`referer`,`comment`,`hits`,`published`,`created_date`) VALUES ('http://brzozowiana.pl/<script>var _prum = [[\'id\', \'536346deabe53db479a1be82\'], [\'mark\', \'firstbyte\', (new Date()).getTime()]];(function() { var s = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0] , p = document.createElement(\'script\'); p.async = \'async\'; p.src = \'//rum-static.pingdom.net/prum.min.js\'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(p, s);})();</script>', '' ,'http://brzozowiana.pl/', '',1,0, '2014-05-02 09:59:45'))