So i followed every step on that tutorial on making a new module position but cant get it to work.
i wanted to test if the new module actually showed up if i insert the code. so at the gk_news\layouts\default.php file i found the existing bannertop position and placed my new module onderneath it like below:
- Code: Select all
<?php if($this->API->modules('bannertop')) : ?>
<section id="gkBannerTop">
<div class="gkPage">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="bannertop" style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['bannertop']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->modules('bannertop1')) : ?> <div class="newstyle">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="bannertop1"
style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['bannertop1']; ?>" />
</div> <?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->API->modules('topmenu')) : ?>
<section id="gkContentTop" class="gkPage">
<?php if($this->API->modules('topmenu')) : ?>
<div id="gkTopMenu">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="topmenu" style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['topmenu']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
as u can see in the middle is my new module called bannertop1
but when i do it like this i get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method GKTemplate::modules() in .................../templates/gk_news/layouts/default.php on line 116
so i ajusted the code to this:
- Code: Select all
<?php if($this->API->modules('bannertop1')) : ?> <div class="newstyle">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="bannertop1"
style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['bannertop1']; ?>" />
</div> <?php endif; ?>
but nothing happends and no module will show up. what am i doing wrong?
to clearify i want the new BANNERTOP1 module position on the right side of BANNERTOP position (like on the image showed in my first post)
any help on this one? i'm missing something?