Hello, I'm working on the template News.
My question is this, I have a module in bannertop slider and want full width on the screen, is it possible?
That would have to overdrive in the template.
joomla 3.1.4
Thanks in advance
max-width: 100%;
Pawel F wrote:Similar solution: https://www.gavick.com/forums/creativit ... 27552.html
#gkBannerTop { padding-bottom:0px; }
#gkBannerTop .gkPage { max-width:none; }
Pawel F wrote:#gkBannerTop - it's your target ID
1) you can reduce paddings (left,right or top and bottom) - that's easy : padding:0;
2) Use this code
- Code: Select all
#gkBannerTop { padding-bottom:0px; }
#gkBannerTop .gkPage { max-width:none; }