I use a Virtual Server account with my internet service provider (ISP), and it's very expensive. Thus, I wanted to remove unwanted directories and files that were initially included in the QuickStart kit. Some areas are obvious.
Images directory (root directory)
I place all the images I uploaded in a single directory with subdirectories therein, as needed. Can I delete all the other directories and files in the "images" directory? Or put in another way, what are the essential files and directories to keep (i.e., must not be deleted) in the "images" directory so that the website will function?
templates directory
Other than the gknews and system directories, I assume I can remove the other templates (beez3 and protostar).
I assume the same can be said in the templates of the administrator (backend) templates - that is keep the system and the directory for whatever template I chose?
Images directory (gknews directory in templates directory)
I prefer to use one style only (i.e., one color). Hpw can this be implemented? Are there script changes that must be done, if I remove the styles options? What files and scripts must be chagned to remove the "styles" choices icon at the bottom of the page? [Note, I don't want just an override.css script change]
I understand that the Joomla 3.x is very sensitive to missing files, and would keep on looking for the scripted directories files, images and icons that are summoned to create a page. This may delay page presentation or lead to time off error. How can this be avoided?