In Suffixes I have configurated "onlydesktop" but the module appear anyway on mobile devices. Also, on Iphone appear the message: "Can´t Identify browser version ...... "
I Attach de iphone print screen.
pbelly wrote:ok, and what can i do?.
Also, i have onlydesktop suffix in the tops modules and this appear on mobile devices anyway
Cyberek wrote:In some cases if nomobile or notablet doesnt work, try adding space before suffix name"
' nomobile' instead 'nomobile', but right now I see only nomobile added to mainmenu (without space).
If You would like me to check why a module shows even when nomobile notablet or any other suffix is added - You need to present me a site with suffix added.
Cyberek wrote:In some cases if nomobile or notablet doesnt work, try adding space before suffix name"
' nomobile' instead 'nomobile', but right now I see only nomobile added to mainmenu (without space).
If You would like me to check why a module shows even when nomobile notablet or any other suffix is added - You need to present me a site with suffix added.