I've been playing around with my site's javascripts, trying to put them at the bottom of the body. I managed to do so but then I noticed a weird issue. The url of the logo (base url) had a trailing slash and when on clicking it, it sent me to http://domain/%20 which was 404. After searching in the files a bit I noticed in file 'templates/gk_news/layouts/blocks/logo.php' that every href of the logo url had a quite simple bug, you've added a space at the end. So you have the code like that:
href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> " notice the space after closing the php
instead it should be href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>" without the space.
I, ofc, fixed it for my site, and thought I should bring this to your attention so you could fix it in the template's next update.