The template comes with
Can you create a custom colour, I was wanting the colour to match my logo and my boxing forums colours to tie in more.
and finally - style the #gkColor4 element in the template.css file (of course if you will use this option).
Please remember to create also:
.nsphover .nspHoverOverlay {
background: #e25b32;
Konrad M wrote:You also need to edit \news\templates\gk_news\css\style1.css file.
Konrad M wrote:I see that colors from css are correct now. One thing more you have to do is check images located in images/style1/ and change colors to red one like fro example for this one ... ght_bg.png
.nspArt h4.nspHeader a:active, .nspArt h4.nspHeader a:focus, .nspArt h4.nspHeader a:hover {
color: #eb592a;
Konrad M wrote:For which elements on your site you would like to achieve it ?
a:hover {
background: #AA1A1A;
Konrad M wrote:Please try add to override.css
- Code: Select all
a:hover {
background: #AA1A1A;
#gkTopMenu li a:active, #gkTopMenu li a:focus, #gkTopMenu li a:hover {
color: #fff;
#gkTopMenu li a:active, #gkTopMenu li a:focus, #gkTopMenu li a:hover {
color: #fff !important;
a:hover {
background: #AA1A1A;
#gkTopMenu li a:active, #gkTopMenu li a:focus, #gkTopMenu li a:hover {
background-color: #AA1A1A;
color: #fff !important;
.h4.nspHeader:hover {
background-color: #AA1A1A;
.h4.nspHeader:hover a,
.h4.nspHeader:hover a:hover {
color: #ffffff;
h4.nspHeader:hover {
background-color: #AA1A1A;
h4.nspHeader:hover a,
h4.nspHeader:hover a:hover {
color: #ffffff;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Sorry. A small issue in my code:
should be
- Code: Select all
h4.nspHeader:hover {
background-color: #AA1A1A;
h4.nspHeader:hover a,
h4.nspHeader:hover a:hover {
color: #ffffff;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Yes it's working on NSP module headers. Please show me which else should be like that. Sorry but I cannot make it by default to simply links, because it will cause a lot of problems with menus and so on.