Mystery with joomla article author

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GK User
Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:29 pm
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Hi... Have a mysterious problem with the article authors. Even if I put all that's needed to show the joomla article author doesn't show up inside the article while it shows ok on the category blog layout.
So maybe it is some kind of bug in the template or some hidden, from my eyes at least, option that u can help me with?

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Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:14 pm
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Hi. Sure it could a magic.... or settings for views.

Are you talking about standard articles or K2 items. Could you add here URL which those articles.
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:22 pm
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As I wrote I am talking about standard joomla articles, not K2.

You can have a look at:
This is the category - blog view - in which all the articles show the written by section under the title.
But if you click ant of the articles there is not such an entry. I know it is Greek but you can see what I mean.

Currently I have the Show author to Hide at the Options in article manager but I have the Show Author to Show in the menu of the above category.

Even if I put the Show author to Show at the Options in article manager the result is the same. It is shown in the category blog layout but not in the article, that is where I want it to be shown.

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:30 pm
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Have you thought why you have "2013-10-19-20-22-42/poiitis" in URL instead normal name, hmmm.

If look like you have problem with menu settings which may have an impact on other elements of the page.

Maybe Joomla have problem with Greek language coding ?

I don't think is bug a template because in most cases template don't have relationship with generated links/URL.
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:33 pm
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You have to:

1) Disable SEF links for a while and test again
2) Enable Error reporting in Global configuration - because now I don't see errors only white/blank page on several pages like this: international/1490-teleiwnei-tin-pempti-i-katastai-ektaktis-anagkis-stin-aigypto
3) Did you installed any additional component to manage SEF etc??

Than you can send me (PM):

1) Access to back-end
2) URL
3) Link to this topic

I will try to check :geek:
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Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:46 am
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Replace the entire header code (i.e., <header> to </header>)of templates\gk_news\html\com_content\article\default.php with the header code from templates\gk_news\html\com_content\category\blog_item.php.

That should solve it.

Best Regards

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